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Monday, May 21, 2012

Enbridge is at it again!

Well, I first warned everyone here about Enbridge back on March 28 2012. But they have now made the news again.

This time the MSM (main stream media) thought it was noteworthy to produce a story about them. See, Enbridge already owns and operates pipelines throughout the US and Canada. The reason the MSM thought it would be noteworthy to make an article about them is because they are now pushing onward with plans to double the size of their current pipeline which runs from Sarnia, Ontario to Griffith, Indiana. They (Enbridge) say that they want to upgrade this pipeline to handle 500,000 barrels instead of the current 230,000 which it now carries.

Never mind that this oil, and all oil from tar sands, pollutes much more than oil which is pumped right out of the ground. It is a very energy intensive process which creates even more Green house gases than is currently produced by the oil industry by refining pure crude.

I cannot believe that we are even considering this idea of theirs. Especially when we could be producing butanol which is as efficient as gasoline is. Why do anything with our oil when there are far better alternatives? At any rate a hearing is supposed to be held June 6th to determine this pipeline's faith. If you want to read more on it, you should go here.

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