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Monday, May 21, 2012

I cannot believe we are actually having an argument over jobs versus clean air!

I find it unimaginable that we find ourselves in the middle of a fight over clean air or jobs. Such fight of course is being led by Senator James Inhoffe. This is course part of a bigger struggle to keep the EPA alive.

Are these republicans, TEApublicans or whatever they call themselves so stupid that they do not realize the EPA was started by one of their own members? That is correct folks, the EPA was started by Richard Nixon after people protested for days in th early seventies. Now in all honesty I am too young to remember this happening, but I have watched and read all about it.

It is staggering what will happen if Mr. Inhofe etal get their way. Does everyone want to really breathe the air that these power houses give off? I would most certainly think not after looking at such staggering figures-- 130,000 asthma attacks, Approximately 5,000 heart attacks, Up to 11,000 premature deaths, 5,700 emergency room and hospital visits, 540,000 lost days of school and work prevented annually according to figures which the EPA just released. Anyone who would want to subject a person to such illnesses can only be subscribed as a cold-hearted bastard; oh thats correct we were talking about a conservative.

The biggest problem with the conservative mentality in this country is 'make money at any costs'. This was not what they originally stood for, but it is what they have become to stand for, even more and more these days I am afraid! When will we say we have had enough? When will we give McConnel a taste of his own medicine and fillibuster Inhofe etal? No matter when we do it, it will not be soon enough for me!

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