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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Protest: Hundreds Expected To March Against Vermont Power Plant

What gets me about all of this is

1. We know the downfalls of nuclear reactors

2. Even after the 3 mile island disaster we kept building them.

3. There are basically only two types of reactors used in the US

4. But there has been a much more viable solution for like 40+ years. That viable solution is Thorium of course. Thorium is much safer than either plutonium or uranium. Furthermore LFTR reactors are they way to go. Existing nuclear reactors require very little in the way of modifications to be used as a Thorium reactor.

But Thorium could help us to cleanup our existing plutonium and uranium as well. See all Thorium has to have an initial reaction from one of these two fissile materials. For the life of me, I do not understand why politicians won't embrace the fact that Thorium could be the answer to our energy prayers.

Thorium could actually be used to power airplanes. Yes, you heard me right there. A Thorium reactor could be used to power airplanes and thereby be helping our environment even more. Is this just another case of big oil buying off the politicians to keep thorium as a secret to pad their coffers even more so than they are right now?

And you can see the article about Vermont Yankee nuclear plant here.

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