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Monday, March 26, 2012

The Scopes 'monkey' trial part deux

Yes, from the same state which brought us the Scopes 'monkey' trial (Tennessee) we have a new law denying that global warming is happening. You can see a full article on it here. The Governor of Tennessee still has to sign this bill into law. I have said it before and I will say it again where do you think all all of this carbon based fuels originated in the first place?

All of this carbon based fuel which we have been removing from the ground for at least 200+ years in the form as coal came from the Carboniferous period in earth's history. See our planet was once much different than it is today and supported more life forms than it does at present. See, the atmosphere was much more compromised of CO2 than it is now. And this abundant CO2 supply gave rise to a multitude of plant life which after millions or billions of years became the coal that we have been consistently removing from the ground for over 200+ years to burn and put back into the atmosphere.

It only stands to reason with more CO2 in our atmosphere that we will get warmer, and plant life will flourish. What remains to be seen is if the human population will also flourish or will the added warmth, storms, etc cause it troubles?

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