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Thursday, March 22, 2012

It is high time that hemp be made legal; Henry Fords hemp made and powered car, plus Bill Ford Jr

Well according to this author any way. And he goes through the whole story about what differentiates hemp from cannabis. Now I have never grown either, but it is my understanding they are both done by the same plant. What differentiates them is how you plant it. If you plant it at a high population rate it is considered hemp; however if you plant it much more sparsely it is cannabis.

But the thing is that hemp has over 25,000 known uses right now. It can be used to make everything from rope, to plastic, to dynamite. And as you can see from the products I just now listed it becomes a competitor to everything we now make out of oil.

All plastic is now made from oil. All of your nylon rope is made out of oil as well. Now explosives such as dynamite-- yeah you guessed it that is also derived from oil.

It only seems to me that this could be a large solution to our oil problem. If we made all of this from hemp our oil consumption would have to drop. This right here is a huge way we could go green if only we could get the knotheads in DC to understand this. Besides it has been proven by Henry Ford himself back at the turn of the 19th century when he made a 40,000 model T cars from hemp plastic and ran it on hemp oil from hemp grown on his Iron Mountain, MI estate. You can see a video of said car

Also hemp can be used to make paper istead of making it from trees. In fact if I am not mistaken the Declaration (and perhaps the US constitution) is written oh hemp paper as well. And as you know both these documents have withstood the test of time pretty well. Much better that if they would have been written on wood derived paper.

The only way to truly go green is to make both hemp and cannabis legal to produce and own, be in possession of etc!

Now I must say hats off to Bill Ford Jr as his green building initiative that he started there a few years ago at one of Ford's original facilities is a very laudable undertaking. But why doesn't he bring some of Ford's original Model T's which were made from hemp plastic and ran on hemp fuel and show them off. This is what needs to happen to make everyone realize how wonderful of a product hemp derived products can be. So what do you say Bill, bring these things out into the public please.

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