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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ag Gag Bills, are they good or bad for us; you decide

There is a resurgent thing going on right now in agriculture. And these ills which several states have either passed or are in the processing would ban anyone from taping how the animals are treated. Thus is why it has been given the name 'Ag Gag' bill.

Ag-Gag bills criminalize taking photos or videos on farms to expose problems, such as animal cruelty, environmental and labor violations, and other illegal or unethical behavior. Simply put, Ag-Gag legislation poses a danger to the American public -- people and animals!

1 comment:

  1. The flaw in the bill's language is the word "farm". These corporate operations that are sometimes called "factory farms" do not fit the definition of "farm". They are anything but.

    I would be willing to wager that the laws under question will only make matters worse for the Soylent industry. Those committed to ending animal cruelty will not let a poorly conceived law stop them. In fact they will probably revel in defying them.
