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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jim Jordan is apparently using Solyndra purely for political gain

Jim Jordan is currently using Solyndra purely for political gain. Anyone who knows this industry, that is the Solar Energy Industry surely must realize that is goes throughout contractions in its life cycle.

But Jordan, Boehner, McConnel seem to think they can use it as political capital for their own reelection purposes.

Never mind that all the aforementioned persons were just caught up in one of the biggest bailouts in Kentucky's history. Nevermind that they used our money to bailout a failed company. Nevermind that this company was doomed from the start-- they have just been milking money off the government so long as they have been in business.

Republicans are far worse off than present day democrats about wasting of public monies. But this will not make sense to anyone since you have been taught all your life that the waste in government starts with the democrat party.

Not so according to my earlier article on the bailout of USEC by the federal government. Or even this article on our deficit which Obama had little to do with! You see the hugest culprit is those dammed Bush tax cuts which should have never been given in the first place!

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